Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tired and Grateful

Sometimes, I am just flat out tired. With lists as long as my leg, I feel like I am running up the down escalator. There are so many distractions. So many things to consider and plan for and do and worry about. There are supplies to buy, a language to learn, a family to spend time with, a job to be worked, bags to be packed... This is when I need to take a big, slow, deep breath in and remind myself to focus. I am about to leave on the adventure of a lifetime. The Lord has chosen me to become His servant for 18 months. He has challenged me to do His work and to be His hands. Such an amazing and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

I am learning that with great work and responsibility, comes great opposition. It is amazing to me how aware the Adversary has become of me and my preparations. This attention does not sway me in my decision, intentions, or purpose. Instead, I feel honored. Someone once told me that Satan only attacks those who threaten his kingdom. While I am far from perfect, I am preparing to do just that.

"Adversity often produces the unexpected result. Look for it. Appreciate and utilize it. This is difficult to do if you're feeling sorry for yourself because you're faced with adversity."  John Wooden

I have been called to the Portugal Lisbon Mission to serve for 18 months. Even with my shortcomings and plethora of weaknesses, the Lord has expressed His confidence in my capabilities.

"It is not my abilities, but my capabilities." Unknown

While I am tempted and often overwhelmed, I am also a loved daughter of my Heavenly Father. Times get tough so that we may exercise our spiritual muscles. All I have been asked to do is my best in the utmost obedience and I will be just fine.  

I cannot express enough how grateful I am to have this gospel in my life. I am so excited to share it with everyone I can in the next few months, and even the coming years. It will be the hardest, funnest, most challenging experience of my life to date, but boy am I excited! The Church is true, the Book is blue!

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